Yes absolutely and you will receive an email with the order confirmation shortly. Please contact for any queries. We will revert at the earliest.
We normally ship all orders within 3-4 business days. Final delivery time will vary based on your location.
Transit and delivery time may vary depending on your location and the ordered items. Usually, it takes 5-7 days from the time you have placed your order.
For sending items by courier, the charges depends on the location and quantity. The same will be mentioned at the time of placing of order.
An email is sent to you after the order is shipped. It contains the delivery details. Please contact for any queries or concerns.
By default, the last used shipping address will be saved into to your Sample Store account. When you are checking out your order, the default shipping address will be displayed and you have the option to amend it if you need to.
We know Twashtra products are awesome and we absolutely do work on bulk orders. Please contact with your details and our team will reach out to you asap.
Yes absolutely you may. Please drop us an email with the order number and the note.
Unfortunately, invoices are mandatory due to Government regulations.
Yes absolutely you may. Please drop us an email with the order number. Our team will get in touch with you for the details.
In the event that you receive a damaged product, please drop us an email with the order number and photographs on day of receiving the parcel.
We have multiple courier partners for different locations we ship out to.